Kyrgyz Tours

Kyrgyz Tours

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Trekking, horse riding tours in Kyrgyzstan, tours to Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz Tours Company offers wide range of journeys in Kyrgyzstan. Trekking, horse riding tours, cultural and ethnographic tours, kymyz treatment (horse milk therapy), national games, wildlife photography and many more! Experience nomadic lifestyle in Kyrgyzstan!

Operating as usual

Song Kol Lake is an alpine lake located at 3000m above the sea level, surrounded by high mountain pastures called jailoos, where Kyrgyz herdsmen graze their livestock during summer months.

Looking for a place to travel this fall? Kyrgyzstan might be just what you need. Enjoy the fall colors in Kyrgyzstan with us!

Altyn Arashan mountains. 🏔

Photo by @kyrgyzstan_travel

Beautiful Kol-Ukok Lake.

Video by our guests. @kyrgyzstan_travel

A beautiful morning in Arslanbob. 🏔
Photo by Albert Dros.

A herd of horses in Kok-Jaiyk valley. 🐎
Picture by @kyrgyzstan_travel

Osh city and Sulaiman Too (The mountain of King Solomon).

Altyn-Arashan alpine valley in Kyrgyzstan.
By Ildar Galiyev.

By Muras Ensemble

“Lunar eclipse in 2018 with Mars right under it and the visible Milky Way.” At Song Kol lake.
By Albert Dros.

“Kids standing in the opening of their Yurt. They stay here in the summer months learning to take care of the cattle from when they’re young.”
By Albert Dros

Bishkek. Capital city of Kyrgyzstan.

Yurts at Song Kol Lake.

Photo by Albert Dros.

An eagle flying over the tops of mountains. Photo by Albert Dros.

Sary Chelek Lake. Kyrgyzstan.
Photo by Thomas Flensted

Wildflowers in Barskoon valley. Kyrgyzstan. Photo by Albert Dros.

Camping on the border of Kyrgyzstan and China.
Photo by Albert Dros.

Sunset at Song-Kul Lake at 3000m. Photo by Albert Dros

Osh city. Kyrgyzstan. Photo by Thomas Flensted

Ala Kul Lake. A magical crystal clear lake at 4000m. Photo by Albert Dros.

The night sky in Kyrgyzstan. Photo by Albert Dros.

A wide open valley with glacial rivers coming from the mountains. Photo by Albert Dros.

The untouched beauty of Kyrgyzstan.
Photo by Albert Dros.

Amazing shot at Tulpar Kol.
By @etchd

Yurts, forest and mountains.
Visit Kyrgyzstan.

At summer pastures. View over the Son Kul Lake and yurts of nomads.

By Anton Agarkov.

Song-Kol Lake.

By Bivash Das

The secret of mountain roads.

By Lazy Vlad Photography.

Few days before summer.

Photo by Lazy Vlad Photography.

Lapsing Kyrgyzstan

My first 4K timelapse film! In September of 2016 I took some time to explore this beautiful part of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan). Traveling solo through some very remote…

Khan Tengri peak. View from Enylchek camp.

Photo by Thien Bui

Есть несколько мест на рафтинг 7 Сентября по реке Чу.
Полуторачасовой спуск.
Стоимость договорная.
Транспорт в стоимость не входит.
+996 554 136904 (WhatsApp).

10 Days Tour in Kyrgyzstan (Sep 6-15, 2017)

Day 1. Bishkek city tour and Ala-Archa National Park
Day 2. Burana tower – Rafting in Boom gorgre – Karakol
Day 3. Trekking in Karakol gorge. Camping in tents.
Day 4. Ala-Kul Lake. Camping in tents.
Day 5. Altyn-Arashan.
Day 6. Karakol city
Day 7. Skazka canyon. Kochkor village.
Day 8. Horse-riding to Kilemche jailoo
Day 9. Horse-riding to Song-Kol Lake
Day 10. Song-Kol - Bishkek

Contact us for more information and book the tour.
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +996554136904

Karakol valley in Kyrgyzstan.
Photo by Mohamed Elbangy

Nomadic Samuel

Come join us for a yurt tour in Kyrgyzstan by Issyk-Kul Lake as we stay overnight in Kyrgyz yurt at Bel Tam Yurt Camp located on the outskirts of Bokonbayevo. When traveling to Kyrgyzstan one of the ultimate experiences you can have as an adventure traveler is to experience living in a yurt. You'll have an opportunity to do this on overnight trekking or hiking experiences in Kyrgyzstan but you also can experience an overnight stay in Kyrgyz yurt at a camp.

This particular yurt camp was our home for four nights as we used it as a base to explore in and around Issyk Kul Lake and attractions nearby Bokonbayevo. Our yurt tour gives you a tour of inside of our yurt, the camp area, the showers and toilets at the yurt camp, the dining communal area and several overhead drone shots of the yurts. We highly recommend yurt camping and the place we stayed at was fantastic. You'll notice the location below:

Bel Tam Seaside Yurt Camp
Lodging in Bokonbayevo
Bokonbayevo 720000, Kyrgyzstan

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Wakeboarding behind a horse in Kyrgyzstan




Eco tour agency

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Pushkin 78
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Uaz Buhanka Rental Uaz Buhanka Rental
Ahunbaev 127
Bishkek, 720000

We rent out camper vans that are set up for adventure. All of our Overlanders are 4x4 and set up with cooking equipment, beds, and all the small things to make your trip to Central Asia unforgeable​. Send us a message today to book your 4x4.

Ala Bel Travel Ala Bel Travel
Bishkek, 720040

We offer cultural travels, horseback trips and trekking tours, complete tailor-made tour in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia

Туристический клуб Дайна Туристический клуб Дайна
ул. Тыныстанова 189

Отправляйтесь с Туристическим клубом "Дайна" в увлекательные туры по Кыргызстану! Отдыхайте на курортах Оз. Иссык-Куль.

Kyrgyz tour Kyrgyz tour
Bishkek, 000000

'중앙아시아의 스위스' 키르기스스탄의 멋진 자연환경과 인정 넘치는 키르기즈 사람들을 소개합니다. 키르기즈의 진면목을 궁금해 하는 한국분들에게 작은 안내가 되고자 합니다.

Nomad's World Travel Nomad's World Travel
Bishkek, 720000 Discover Nomadic Kyrgyzstan

Voyage Kirghizistan Voyage Kirghizistan
Shopokova 98A, Apt 20
Bishkek, 720000-720085

Kyrgyz'What est une agence de voyage Franco-Kirghize basée à Bishkek.

Пассажирские перевозки Пассажирские перевозки
ул. Льва Толстого №19
Bishkek, 720000

Пассажирские транспортные перевозки. Автобусы, микроавтобусы, мини вены. Огромный опыт работы.

La Maison Du Voyageur La Maison Du Voyageur
122, Rue Moskovskaya

La maison du voyageur est une agence de voyages réceptive au kirghizstan.

Monts Célestes Trekking Kirghizstan Monts Célestes Trekking Kirghizstan
At-Bashy Street 15
Bishkek, 720044

Monts Celestes Trekking Kirghistan

Tourist Association Tourist Association
ул,Советская1(Байтик Баатыра)
Bishkek, 720020

Визовая поддержка в Европу, ОАЭ. Продажа авиабиетов по всем направлениям

Республиканский детско-юношеский центр экологии, краеведения и туризма Республиканский детско-юношеский центр экологии, краеведения и туризма
Bishkek, 720031

Central Asian Travel System - CATS Ltd. Central Asian Travel System - CATS Ltd.
Тоголок Молдо 21
Bishkek, 720033

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