Green Lodging Directory for the Chemically Sensitive and Health Conscious Traveler. Find a healthy oasis in the Safer Travel Directory, your source for eco travel / green travel / organic travel / sustainable communities.
[01/18/16] Breathe easy at vacation and relocation destinations that are
healthy for you and the planet.
Find a healthy oasis in the Safer Travel Directory, your source for eco travel/green travel/organic travel/sustainable communities. This web site offers a sampling of what's in the paper version of the Safer Travel Directory which contains over 600 listings with many new listings in the 2015/16 EDITION (includes a comprehensive Resources list)!
Safer Travel Directory's cover photo
[01/20/10] We would like our readers to use our FB page to let us know about any lodging establishments that they've stayed in, and that might be a good resource for the directory. So feel free to let us know!
[01/20/10] We're busy finalizing the updates to the 2010 release of the Safer Travel Directory! We have many new listings perfect for people with multiple chemical sensitivy (MCS) and health conscious travelers. We'll post a note here when the 2010 version is released.
"It's not on any map...true places never are." - Herman Melville How will you find your True Places?